Friday, September 14, 2018

On September 4th, 2018 The New York Times posted an article entitled Letter Claims Attempted Assault by a Teenage Brett Kavanaugh.

For those who don't know, Brett Kavanaugh is Trump's Supreme Court nominee, and according to this article a letter was released by an anonymous source claiming that he assaulted a woman in highschool. Many people, including women from his former school, say that he is a stand up guy and he was a '“brilliant student,” who was very into sports, and was not “into anything crazy or illegal.”'

This article is important because of the modern surge of sexual assault awareness and accountability of harassment brought up through the #MeTooMovement. The implications of this letter need to be taken with all the seriousness and intensity that any other, non-sexual or non-assault related accusation would be. Many people claim that because this claim cannot be definitively proven it shouldn't be held against the nominee, but just because a person decides to not identify themselves is not important. They may be choosing this route for safety or for personal and mental purposes. This accusation still needs to be looked into by many sources.

This is also important because we as a society should not be allowing men and women with a past of assault or any implication of foul-play to be in charge of us. They should not be able to hold power in this democracy unless they are unequivocally proven innocent. The young side of the political spectrum is staring to push this movement but the whole of the voting community needs to become more aware of the people we are putting into office.

     The blog "of tortillas and Government", although very well written, makes some extreme and brash assumptions. I do agree tha...